Become a member

The Great River Co-op is a startup cooperative grocery store in the development stages that will be coming to Walpole, New Hampshire.  Bensonwood, and the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation have joined us as partners to build and open the store.  But your fellow member-owners need you to help. 


Purchasing one share makes you a member of the Great River Co-op. Purchasing four or more shares makes you a voting member, with the added benefit of being able to vote in the elections for the co-op's board of directors.


You may purchase up to 80 shares ($2,000 worth), but there are no personal benefits or increase in potential patronage refunds that come with owning more than four shares.  The benefit ofbuying extra shares is the opportunity to increase the co-op's working capital so your co-op store can become a reality more quickly.


A household (meaning a couple, or single parent and their minor children) can purchase one member share collectively.  This single share entitles each family member to any benefits of non-voting membership..


Please remember that, while there is a one-time payment of $25 to become a member of the Great River Co-op, the focus of our membership drive is not on generating capital.  It's about showing the strength of our community's commitment and support for a locally owned market featuring locally produced goods.  Meeting our goal of 1,000 members will help persuade lenders and other financial benefactors to support the construction and initial operation of your co-op store. Joining now will make that happen.  Thank you!

Purchasing a Membership Online

To purchase a membership online through our Secure Payment Center:


1.    Complete the message link below with your name, address, and email along with the number of shares you plan to purchase.  You can let us know if the purchase is for a gift or yourself.  Enter the names, addresses, and emails of the household members the shares will belong to


2.   Send the message


3.   Click the Paypal link button and Select a Membership Share option from the dropdown menu in the link


              Purchase one (1), two (2) or three (3) share(s) to become a member.


              Purchase four (4) shares to become a voting member.


4.  Complete the purchase through the Paypal link.


Note:  If you are purchasing member shares as a gift for someone else, Please include that information along with their name, address, and email in the message link below.


Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Mail-In Membership Purchase

To download and print a paper membership form, click below:

Adobe Acrobat Document 82.8 KB

Fill out and return this form, along with your payment to: 


PO Box 805

Walpole, NH 03608

You can join for $25 now and become a voting member later by purchasing four shares over time. If you choose to do this, you may wish to confirm with us once you have purchased all four shares to ensure you are included in the co-op's directory of voting members.  We do our best to keep our member data up-to-date, but the process is not fully automated.



1. The Great River Co-op is currently in the developmental phase. While the store site has been selected, architectural design and engineering are underway, and all the necessary legal documents have been filed to establish  the cooperative, the physical store is not currently completed. We will keep all members updated as to the progress of the co-op leading up to the eventual store opening date through this web site and e-mail newsletters.


2. All monies raised through the sale of member shares will be used to help with the pre-development phase, start-up, and operational costs of the store. This includes, but is not limited to, a feasibility study to determine the optimum size of the store and to develop the appropriate product mix, store fit-out, marketing, and advertising. If the co-op does not open and the organization is dissolved, any remaining member contributions would be returned to those who purchased shares.


3. Please be advised that, by becoming a member of the cooperative, you are consenting, pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, to the following:


      That the amount of any distributions to you from the Cooperative with respect to yor patronage occurring after receiving this notice and a copy of the Cooperative's bylaw which are made in the form of "Written Notices of Allocation" (as defined in 36 USC S 1388) will be taken into account by you at their stated dollar amounts in the manner provided in 36 USC S 1385 (A) in the taxable year in which such Written Notices of Allocations are received by you.

Member Benefits

Great River Co-op can offer an ever-expanding list of benefits to its members, which may include:

  •  Member Only Specials
  •  Patronage refunds
  •  The ability to run for a seat on the Board of Directors

In the future, as many other co-ops have done, additional member benefits can be added as the board of directors detrmines is possible and desirable.  Some examples of added benefits that other area co-ops offer are:

  •  Use of common areas for community organizations
  •  Discounted group plans for insurance
  •  Discounted or free educational seminars sponsored by the co-op